Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy describes the practices in relation to the handling of personal information on you (collection, use, storage and sharing) performed by Rock World S.A, when you use our services or acquires our products by our websites at Internet, applications, points of sale, e-mails and in the other interactions you have with our company and listed in this policy.

Its privacy is very important for us and this policy meets our commitment with transparency and confidence that govern the relationships with our customers, suppliers, partners, sponsors and other users of our services.

The use of our services and products is of your free choice, therefore, we request you to read this policy carefully, in order to understand how we handle your personal data. When using our services and products, you recognize and agree with our terms described below.


All information that this policy refers to shall be handled by Rock World S.A, legal entity enrolled with the National Registry of Legal Entities CNPJ under No. 13.212.200/0001-50, which activity consists of the promotion, production and performance of cultural events, leisure and entertainment, especially the Rock in Rio Brasil music festival, as well as projects and activities related thereof.


Companies that may handle data under the responsibility of ROCK WORLD:

  1. a) ARTPLAN COMUNICAÇÃO S.A, legal entity enrolled with the National Registry of Legal Entities CNPJ under No. 33.673.286/0001-25;
  2. b) INGRESSO.COM LTDA., legal entity enrolled with the National Registry of Legal Entities CNPJ under No. 00.860.640/0001-71;
  3. c) GERA (application).



We collect, use and store different types of information about you, depending on the form that you interact with us, such as, for example, when you create a registration account in our website, acquires tickets (even by third parties contracted by us), or receives a ticket transferred to you by a third-party, participate of promotions and activities, contact us to ask questions, and also when you use our website at the Internet, applications and social media.

2.1 CONTACT INFORMATION: We collect personal identification information for contact, such as name, Taxpayer’s Registry CPF, ID Card RG, address, CEP, e-mail, telephone number, when you create a registration account, register in rewards programs, promotions and/or acquire tickets or other services/products that we provide.

2.2 INFORMATION DISCLOSED BY YOU: We collect information that you disclose in our website at the Internet, if this tool is available, or in our social networks.

2.3 DEMOGRAPHIC AND HEALTH INFORMATION: We can collect information on your age group and gender, according to the law, or even information on events that you like or products that you buy. We can collect this type of information for purposes of performing researches that support the improvement of the offer of our services. We can also collect information on your health needs related to accessibility to attend events. This data is collected according to the legal provisions and upon your consent, where applicable.

2.4 INFORMATION TO ACCESS (AND STAY) TO OUR EVENT(S): We collect and store personal identification personal of consumers at the time of the purchase of tickets, when registering the ticket (wristband) and when entering the event location. Specifically in relation to half-price entry ticket, we collect and store, in addition to personal identification data, data related to the category of the benefit to which the respective owner is entitled to, for purposes of compliance with the legal obligations, access control and fraud security.

2.5 OTHER INFORMATION: We collect information, automatically, when you access our website or our applications, related to your device, computer (IP address) and browser used for this access. Further, we can collect information on your location, the pages you have visited before and after accessing our website and the form how you used our website or application.


3.1 DIRECTLY FROM YOU: through your direct interactions with us or with third-parties that provide services on our behalf, as described in item 5 of this document, for example, when acquiring tickets or other services, or when registering to participate of a promotion or activity in our website, application, social networks, or other forms we provided. We further collect information when you publish a comment in our websites at the Internet, if this tool is available, or send us an e-mail with doubt.

3.2 INDIRECTLY: We collect your information indirectly, by using tracking tool, such as browser cookies, web beacons and similar technologies. You can disable the use of these technologies. For such, check your browser settings. Similarly, we collect information when you download and use our applications.

3.3 WITH THIRD-PARTIES: We collect information when you use social media resources available in our website, when you use our application, or when you publish any comment in our social networks by a platform of third-parties. We also collect information with the service providers we have contracted, as mentioned in item 3.1 above and 5.2 below. Still, when you use websites of our partners and other projects produced by us or by our partners.


4.1. We use collected information to meet the following purposes:

To create a personal account and registration with our company, upon your request;

To offer products and provide services that have been requested by you, such as, for example, the processing of purchase orders of tickets;

Compliance with legal obligations, such as granting and validation of the half-price entry ticket;

To provide information on this policy or on our terms and conditions;

To make registration and participation in the activities, including in our event(s) in loyalty programs, projects and promotions performed by us, upon your request;

To carry out the services that we offer and the advertisements we publish;

To communicate with our customers, suppliers, partner sponsors and other users of our services and/or products;

To accredit employees, suppliers’ partners and sponsors;

To develop, maintain and improve our website, applications and our communications with you;

To recognize new or previous customers/users;

To keep your password, if you are registered in our websites;

To provide you advertising content, such as promotions and special offers that we think you might be interested in. Our communication can handle our own offers, products or services, or our partners we understand that you might be interested in, always being ensured with the right to revoke your consent, as indicated in item 8.5 below;

We better understand the interests and preferences of our customers and visitors of our website and use such information to perform market researches and analysis;

To provide technical assistance for use of our website and applications;

To reply your requests, questions or doubts, as well as resolve disputes;

Improvement of our products and services;

To ensure the security of our customers, our company and our services, identifying and restraining any unlawful conducts;

We can also use push notifications, as well as information on your location in our applications to send alerts about subjects of your interest;

We preserve your information, to the extent it is required or relevant for our business and as permitted by the applicable law. We also store information, in order to resolve disputes, execute our agreements and for the purposes required by law.


We perform the handling of your personal information for different purposes, as described in item 4.1 above. We indicate below the legal grounds that permit us to perform the handling of your personal information, depending on the purpose:

(i) Upon obtaining your consent;

(ii) For the compliance with the legal or regulatory obligation to which we are subject to;

(iii) When necessary for the execution of service or product acquisition agreements requested by you;

(iv) For the regular exercise of our rights in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceeding, the latter pursuant to the terms of Law No. 9.307, of September 23, 1996 (Arbitration Law);

(v) Where applicable to meet our legal interests or of third-parties, except in the cases in which your fundamental rights and freedom prevail, which require the protection of personal data.


We can share information we collect about you to meet any of the purposes indicated in item 4 above with:

5.1 COMPANIES INTEGRATING THE ROCK IN RIO FAMILY: Companies integrating the corporate structure of Rock World, or integrating the same economic group of which Rock World is part of.

5.2 THIRD-PARTIES THAT PROVIDE SERVICES ON OUR BEHALF: Contracted service providers, such as those responsible for the operation of sales of tickets, access control to the event location(s), by the administration of our IT structure, or even advertising agencies and companies of website and application maintenance, among others. Some suppliers can be located outside Brazil, given that all legal requirements to perform this international transfer shall be observed. In these events, shared information and its use should be limited to the required, so that such companies may carry out their activities in the provision of the services contracted by us and/or for the compliance with legal obligations. 

5.3 OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS, SUCH AS SPONSOR AND SUPPORTERS, AMONG OTHERS, WHO WILL ACT IN THE EVENTS HELD BY US: We can share your wristband registration information (ticket) with our business partners that develop activities in our event(s) of which you may participate. Such partners shall use such information for purposes of research and improvement of the products, services and activities offered in our event(s). 

5.4 WITH JUDICIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITIES: We can share your personal information with the judicial bodies, governmental or regulatory agencies in procedures related to suspected fraud or other unlawful activities. Similarly, in the cases we are subpoenaed for such purpose, by virtue of a judicial/administrative proceeding in course, or in the imminence of filing a judicial/administrative proceeding for the protection and security of the users’ rights of our services, our rights or of third-parties.

5.5 IN THE EVENT OF TRANSFER OF OUR BUSINESS: We can share personal information with any legal entity that may succeed our business, in whole or in part. In these cases, we will send a notification before we perform the transfer or of being subject to a difference privacy policy.

5.6 OTHER FORMS: We can further share your information for other reasons that are not listed in this policy, events, in which we will previously inform and request your consent, if required by law.


We implement and ensure the existence of security measures qualified to protect your information collected and stored by us. Our standard security procedures depend on the type of collected information that may include strict controls of the access methods and access authentication. We used encryption or other measures appropriate to protect your information. Especially, we take provisional remedies to protect personal data against losses or abuses, and we use security procedures to prevent non-authorized accesses to such personal data.

All personal data we collect is stored in servers that provide security guarantees. We submit our security systems and policies periodic analysis, in order to ensure that data is safe and protected. However, data transmission by Internet is not completely safe, therefore, we cannot ensure that third-parties, in an unlawful manner, intercept or have access to the private transmissions and communications. Your security also depends on you, being important that you protect and maintain safely your registration data, in particular your password.

If you suspect that a non-authorized account was created with the use of any of your data, immediately contact us by


Our website may contain links to website of third-parties. When clicking on one of these links, you will be directed to the website of such third-parties, who may collect information about you, according to their proper privacy policies that may eventually be different from this. Read, carefully, the privacy policy of other websites that you may access, in order to understand your practices and forms of use of your information. We are not responsible for your access to websites of third-parties.


We indicate below the options of how you can control the use of your information we have collected.

8.1 OPTION IN RELATION TO THE RECEIPT OF OUR MARKETING E-MAILS. In the case you have requested or agreed to receive our e-mails of advertising content (with offers, promotions, news, etc.), you have the option to request for the cancellation by the link “unsubscribe” available in all e-mails sent by us. You also have the option to change the preferences of your account. We inform that the processing of your request shall be met around ten (10) days. The cancellation indicated in this item does not prevent the sending of e-mails related to services or requests that you have requested us.

8.2 OPTIONS TO CORRECT OR REMOVE INFORMATION. You can request for the correction or removal of information that has been provided by you, and also request for updates of the settings of your account. For such, you should select the options “update” or “unsubscribe” (tool for cancellation of your registration of our list) available in the e-mails sent by us. We will perform the amendments requested around ten (10) days, and if such changes are not possible, the reasons will be duly informed to you. If you contact us requesting for the access to your information, we will reply within the maximum term of 30 days, or as required by law.

 8.3 OPTIONS FOR CONTROL OF THE TRACKING TOOLS AND USE OF COOKIES. It is possible to disable these options directly in the Internet browser used to connect to the websites that are object of this policy. Each manufacturer that develops the Internet browser has orientations for cleaning, removal and blocking of cookies and tracking. 

8.4 OPTIONS OF CONTROL AVAILABLE IN YOUR CELL PHONE. It is possible to control the use of the GPS locator, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, through the disable option directly in your device. It is still possible to disable the option to receive push notifications in your device.

8.5 YOU CAN EVEN, AT ANY TIME, REQUEST: (i) for the confirmation of the existence of handling of your data; (ii) for the access to handled data, (iii) for the anonymization, blocking or removal of unnecessary, excessive data, or eventually handled not in compliance with the provision of the law; (iv) for the removal of personal data handled with your consent, except in the events the preservation is permitted; (v) for the portability of data to other service or product provider, upon express request, according to the regulation of the national authority, according to the business and industrial secrets of ROCK WORLD; (vi) for information on the public entities, if applicable, and private with which we perform the shared use of data; (vii) for information on the possibility of not providing the consent and on the consequences of the negative; (viii) for the consent revocation, pursuant to the terms of the law

8.5.1 Your requests, in the exercise of the rights set forth herein, shall be handled in order to ensure their full fulfillment. In this sense, we can request for evidence of your identity, which purpose is ensuring that such requests are made only by their holders. See item 13 below for the form of sending of your requests.


Our services are subject to the Brazilian legislation. In some events, we will store your information both in and out of the national territory. You are aware of and agree that your personal information can be transferred, processed, stored and used in other countries, according to the legal requirements to perform the international transfer of data.


We will use the information collected about you, while the fulfillment of the specific purposes set forth herein is required, unless upon communication of the holder, in the exercise of your consent revocation right. Upon verification that the purposes were fulfilled, or that data ceased to be necessary or relevant to meet the intended purposes, the handling shall end and information shall be removed. Upon your request, the removal of personal data handled by us shall be performed, except if still there is legal ground that permits the preservation and use of such data.

We will preserve information, even after the end of the handling in the events permitted by law, such as, for example, for (i) the compliance with the legal or regulatory obligations to which we are subject to, (ii) the transfer to third-parties, provided that legal requirements are fulfilled; and (iii) our exclusive use, provided that data is anonymized.

When participating of promotions or upon filling of new registration forms, after revocation or cancellation, you shall be automatically renewing your registration, authorizing again the handling and preservation of your data, within the limits provided herein.


We do not collect, without there is express and specific consent of one of the parents or legal responsible, information on children under 13 years old, unless upon necessity of contact to parents or legal responsible, used only once and without any storage. In case of suspicion that the child under 13 years old has provided us information without the consent of one of the parents or of the legal responsible, these should contact us by the e-mail 


This Privacy Policy is subject to amendments and reviews, at any time. In these cases, we will send you a notification with information on the changes performed, for which we will request your express consent, thus binding the new version. We will further publish, whenever there are amendments, the updated version in our website. We request you to consult, periodically, our page to check eventual updates.


In the case of doubts about this Privacy Policy or requests for the exercise of your rights contained in this document, feel free to contact us through the e-mail


Our website uses cookies. When visiting our page, we can install small pieces of information in your computer, known as cookies. Cookies are stored by the browser in the hard disk and help us in many forms. We use cookies to better organize the website or information about our products, and to make this information better adjusted in relation to user’s interests or preferences. Cookies permit us to know who visited what pages and which contents; evaluate the frequency of the visits to certain pages; determine what favorite areas of the website and direct, more generally, the use thereof. User has the option to prevent the use of specific cookies, upon selection of the corresponding option in your Internet browser (known as browser), as indicated in item 8.3 of this policy.