PUBLICADO EM: 19/08/2021

Metal giants and two brazilian icons confirmed on the main stage

Capa Capa

The much loved Metal Day is confirmed at Rock in Rio 2022! What can you expect for the opening day is an unparalleled feeling of seeing the biggest metal bands on the planet on the stage of the biggest music and entertainment festival in the world, Rock in Rio. From the opening of the gates, to the last concert on Main Stage, all the magic of metal will take over the City of Rock.
The line-up for the Main Stage on September 2nd, 2022 will be: IRON MAIDEN, Dream Theater, Megadeth and Sepultura + Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira. With these names, you can already feel the power of the first day of Rock in Rio, right?! You can’t miss it, it will be unforgettable.
Also confirmed in the next edition of the festival, the acclaimed Ivete Sangalo and IZA will sing on the Main Stage in September 2022. IZA will open the Main Stage on the 4th, where Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato will also perform. Veveta performs on the last Sunday of Rock in Rio, September 11, 2022. To performances that will shake the entire City of Rock.
Keep following the news here [Line-up link] and on the festival’s official channels to keep up with everything that’s coming there.
Rock in Rio 2022 will be held on September 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 at Cidade do Rock.